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Monday, August 30, 2004

Can't Live With 'Em, Can't Live Without 'Em!

Sisters, I mean. I had a really great conversation with my sister, Melinda, last night which got me thinking.

As I lay in bed, trying to fall asleep, I thought about how growing up all my sisters and I did was fight. Over rooms, over clothes, over hair accessories. God, the topics were all so pointless. Between hair-pulling and "nail fights", I couldn't wait for my older sisters to leave so I could get their room all to myself.

But now, as an adult, I find myself needing their presence and the casual visits that can't be afforded during a week-long visit home. I miss my sisters and feel the distance weigh on me many times. I sometimes worry that we don't know each other as well as we should, and don't talk as often as we could. My biggest worry, though, after finding out I was pregnant, was that my child wouldn't know their aunts (or any part of my family for that matter) as I would like them to. I want my children growing up to see how close their mother is to her siblings, and hopefully carry on that same relationship.

I look forward to the day when I can get together with my sisters for a casual lunch or a movie... things that we haven't done together in so long. I hope that someday soon we will all be close enough that we can all get to know who we have all become.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let me say being an expert at living costal, you can have the best of both worlds. Although it is easier when family is right next door to maintain relationships you can maintain them even with distance. My family is still in Ohio and Fabi's family of course is in Brasil, but through email, phone calls, videos, and visiting in person my children know who they are. Take advantage of those technologies and then when you visit in person make the most of it. There may be a day when you are closer in the physically sense, but love through distance is possible as long as you put the effort into it. It also helps to know that everyone is busy in life and even if you were right next door you would not see them every day. I will never say it is easier to have distance between us, but you can aleviate lonliness by trying some of these suggestions. Remember abscence makes the heart grow fonder and I think makes us appreciate each other alittle more. That's my 2 cents.....Jenny

3:27 PM  

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