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Friday, September 17, 2004

How Could You??

I'm sorry if this post will offend anyone, but I still cannot understand why any regular, middle-class person would support Bush in the upcoming election.

His entire campaign has been nothing but slander and accusations. Oh, and let's not forget blatant lies when he is confronted with allegations brought up against him. At least Kerry doesn't even honor half of W's remarks with a response because he knows they lack validity. However, I don't know if that helps him or hurts him. The way I look at it is Bush had his chance, he failed miserably, so let's give someone else a shot. And if Kerry fails me, then you better believe next election I would be voting him out too. If you really think about it, if Bush had done one positive thing during his time in office (one would think) that he would be sitting on his high horse talking about all of the good that he did. But he's not... he has nothing decent to say about his term, so he'll just keep on telling America why John Kerry will do a bad job. Maybe we'll all absorb it and forget what a bad job he's been doing.

How are his defense ratings so much higher than Kerry's?? Why? Because Kerry doesn't believe we should be fighting a war right now? Let's look at the facts:

Osama bin Laden and al Queda fly planes into the World Trade Center.
We declare war on Iraq to capture Saddam Hussein and a bunch of imaginary weapons?

Then, he attempts to play off of September 11th sympathies. Who cares about the fact that he went to war with the wrong people and the wrong place altogether!

How could anyone support this crazy person who didn't even deserve to be in office in the first place? Do you know he is the first president to be rallied against during his Inaugural Address? He is not a good president, he only cares about money, and how could anyone consider this guy a good defense character when he wouldn't even show up for duty himself??? Let the Swift Boat Veteran's for Truth say what they want... at least Kerry was there! So, it's an argument about how or when he got wounded... AT LEAST HE WAS THERE!!! Geez, even if he hadn't been sent to Vietnam, at LEAST he would have shown up for duty!

All I can say is anyone who would want to live another 4 years under this guy (and is not insanely wealthy) has got to be crazy! Or maybe you don't know the whole story. Don't trust a word that comes out of his mouth (have you ever noticed his stuttered speeches). That's because even HE does not know what he is talking about!!! Compare his speeches even with Kerry's. At least Kerry seems as if he knows what he's talking about. And I don't know about you, but I'd rather be led by someone who maybe knows how to talk!

I'm telling you, I dread the idea of bringing a child into George Bush's America. It certainly has done me no good. If he "wins" again this year, we just might have to move to Canada!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess, I am right there with you. I don't know if you got my recent email I sent about this matter, but I am pasting a meaasge I sent to the John Kerry blog because I am sick of the rhetoric too. I also would love to hear the side of a Bush supporter because I don't know why anyone would support someone like him. His presidency has been a great big falacy and I hope people see through it this time around. It is scary though because I can tell you they still have not had the voting situation taken care of here in Florida and why would they with a "Bush for Bush" state it is only to their benefit. Here is the message I sent for anyone interested!!!

You know I am sick of the blame all campaign that Bush has taken on attacking John Kerry's service. Let me tell you something, the Bush administration had plenty of fair warning of the events to take place on September 11th and where were they???? Where was their "strong defense" then? The day of the attacks Bush sat there with a look of a "deer in head lights" not knowing what to do and then what did he do, he went on vacation. Yeah, what a strong defensive leader! They decided to put terrorism on the back burner then and now all the sudden that is their cry for their campaign. Bush said in his RNC speech, "I was there on September 14th at ground zero" well where the hell was he in the days before that to try to STOP these horrible attacks. He has the blood on his hands as well as his administration. If people would have stopped pointing blame and waiting for a LEADER then that day would not exist and so many people would not have lost their loved ones!!! People how do you think they gathered information so quickly, because it was right in FRONT of their face. I can't even understand why any AMERICAN would vote for Bush again. The lies after lies are unbelieveable. First it was they have weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and then it was "there were thought to be weapons in Iraq", do you think Americans would have supported a war where thousands of innocent lives would be lost because we "thought there were weapons there?" or weakened our relations with our allies???? Come on people, WAKE Up!!!! What are you people thinking out there. BUSH IS A LIAR!!!! Do you want someone who we can't trust or someone who just points blame? Now his thing is if Kerry was in office Suddam Hussein would not be captured, well maybe not because I feel with Kerry's back ground as a service man he never would have put this country to war with the assumption that there were weapons in IRAQ!!!! Also, how do we know this is Suddam? I mean the guy has like 10 look a likes and we have no DNA samples to prove this???? On the other hand, what happened to Osama? First we were after Osama and then we were at war with Iraq. One word people "OIL!!!!" do your research, and rich people love it because as long as they are getting tax breaks and their children are not being sent off to war they don't care, they are still rolling in money. This administration has taken down our country and given it to the rich, the middle class is left behind and forget about those living in poverty. Now, we are going to spend BILLIONS of dollars on a country we helped destroy while our country gets put on the back burner again. Let me go back to terrorism, there are cells all over our country just waiting for a word to do it all again. Will we be ready, probably not if Bush gets back into office because they will not look into the warnings until it is too late. Bush has been on vacation more than any other president and look at what our country has been through in that time, war, job loss, terrorist attacks, I won't even mention the deficit (just to name a few) why would anyone want to support an administration that has shown more weakness than any other. Look past money people because without a respected, financially sound, and safe country that money will get you NO WHERE!!!! VOTE KERRY 2004!!!!

Feel Great,

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See my post under "The Presidential Debacle". Thanks!

11:27 AM  
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6:07 PM  

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