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Friday, September 17, 2004

A Surprising Good Deed

I have a unique story to share this morning. Last night, Dan and I decided to go to Red Lobster for dinner. (I know I can't eat shellfish, but I love the Cheddar Bay Biscuits and Cajun Chicken Pasta!) Anyway, after we had ordered, I noticed someone standing at our table out of the corner of my eye. It turned out to be my real estate agent. She just happened to be sitting at the table next to our's and saw us as we came in. She stopped by to say hello and meet Dan before her and her party left the restaurant. I told her about the progress on the house and that we were also going to have a baby to put into one of those extra rooms too! She gave her congratulations and good-byes and we made arrangements to talk next month.

Well, Dan and I went through our dinner. Me with my biscuits and pasta, and him with his hand-chosen Live Maine Lobster and bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. When we finished, the waiter took our plates and we asked for the check. He stopped and gave us a confused look and said, "Well, as you know, your realtor took care of the check for you." Dan and I looked at each other as if to say, "No, we don't know that!" I was so surprised! It was such a nice thing for someone to do for us. Especially a person that I have only known for a short time on a more professional basis. The meal had to have been over $60. Dan decided in turn to continue the generous behavior by tipping the waiter, who let him choose his lobster and took 10 minutes to crack it for him, another $20 in addition to whatever our realtor tipped him also.

It's just amazing to me sometimes how people can be so generous and caring. You forget that a lot today when all of the strangers seem so mean. I hope my story of good deeds passed along will inspire you to commit a random act of kindness of your own.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so great. I think it is such a nicer place when we do nice things to other people rather than just taking all the time. Something I try to do is pay peoples tolls on the toll roads (which if you are ever in Florida you will see there are too many)It is not much, but I figure a nice way to say, "hey I hope you enjoy the rest of your day" If only more people would stop to do things like this more often we would live in a much better place. Feel Great, Jenny

1:37 PM  

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