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Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!!!

Or Happy "Year of the Baby" as Dan would say! There is a lot that is going to be happening this year. It's a little nerve-racking knowing I can no longer say the baby comes next year. That year is here now! I am excited though.

The nursery painting project is complete. I will post a photo once I get all of the furniture and bedding set up. It came out great! I was so happy that all of the weeks of hard work came out exactly the way I had hoped. We took a trip to another Target location where the displays were not bolted down (you'd think all Target stores would be streamlined). We used some batteries to test the swings, which I'm glad we did because I absolutely hated the swing that I registered for. The one we ended up buying looks a little different (kind of a hokey design), but the features and operation of the swing are a lot easier. We also ended up with a different playpen/bassinet (it was cheaper). Today I had to go to yet another location to get the baby bedding that I really wanted. It was the last set in the NW valley. It is so cute though and well worth the extra trip.

I will be sure to let all of you know what your gift cards helped us purchase. I never thought I would have so much fun buying so much stuff for someone I've never even met!!!


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