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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Welcome to Week #28!

Now officially out of the second trimester by the 28th week! Pretty scary... I about had a nervous breakdown last night just thinking about the complete responsibility of another human being. Dan calmed me down though and just helped me focus on the positive. So, here's the positive:

Our little miracle is growing and developing at an astonishing rate! Eyebrows and eyelashes are now present, and the hair on the head is growing. The eyelids open, and the eyes are completely formed. The body is getting plumper and rounder (weighs about 2 pounds) and is composed of around 2 to 3% body fat. Muscle tone is gradually improving. The lungs are capable of breathing air but if the baby is born now, it would struggle to properly breathe. Be sure to talk to your baby a lot because s/he can recognize your voice now!

I have noticed that although the baby moves a lot more now, it seems to move less when Dan and I are talking. It leads me to believe that the baby is comforted by our voices already. I have even started singing certain lullabies to the baby that will hopefully be familiar to the baby when it "surfaces".

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Laney more *HUGS*
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