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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Sixth Month

I never want to forget...

Watching you catch yourself from falling for the first time since you've been sitting. Your "first word". All of your shrill squeals and squeaks that sends Bula whining. Our morning drives and evening sunsets. Your first baby food (applesauce). Seeing you pull yourself up to stand just by holding my leg. How you take more of an interest in toys now. Buying you Baby Orajel to soothe your gums (and you chewed on the package instead, and I thought "this stuff really does work"). Our Sunday strolls. How Oscar lets you "pet" him, and then realizes you are the one who yanks his ears and whiskers. The way you watch me get ready in the morning with such curiousity. Your
friend in the mirror. Picking out your first Halloween costume.


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