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Friday, October 14, 2005

While You Were Sleeping...

Dan and I realized the other day that Helena looks just like me when she's sleeping.

Just a sweet sentiment I don't want to forget.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Move over blogging -- here comes Internet-based home video, to a Google server near you ... Page made the non-announcement announcement during Monday's opening panel discussion at the National Cable & Telecommunications Show here, upstaging his luminary fellow panelists John Chambers of Cisco, Brian Roberts of Comcast, Jon Miller of AOL ...
Your blog is great! I will be sure to visit it again.

I have patanol site. It pretty much covers patanol related stuff!

Please visit if you have a chance.

9:00 AM  
Blogger Grandma V said...

Stupid People with their STUPID advertising. I just wanted to say that Helena is beautiful asleep or awake!!
Love, Grandma V.

3:41 AM  
Blogger Grandma V said...

Stupid People with their STUPID advertising. I just wanted to say that Helena is beautiful asleep or awake!!
Love, Grandma V.

3:41 AM  

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