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Sunday, November 13, 2005

I'll Be Home for Christmas...

You can count on me! Helena and I will be arriving the morning of the 20th. Anyone got any tips for flying with the little one? I don't want to be the lady with the screaming baby. I always hated that. If you have any hints that can make this flight a quiet one, I appreciate. I'm a little nervous because we will be flying without Dan. He couldn't get his vacation time approved, and will be following us home on the 23rd.

I am really looking forward to the holiday though. It's going to be great! I hope we get some snow. We haven't had much luck in that department the past few times we've been home. I can't wait to pull Helena around in a sled. We will have soooo much fun! A lot of my family hasn't even seen her yet, so I'm sure there will be a lot of excitement this year. (And a lot of spoiling!)

I can't wait for her first Christmas. I haven't been this anxious for a long time!


Blogger Grandma V said...

I'll have "The Night Before Christmas" and "Polar Express" ready for you guys. And I'll keep the cocoa hot! What kind of cookies would you like??

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Bottles or paci for the pressure on the plane and a lot of interactive toys. If she gets anxious during the flight walk around a little bit with her. I am sure she will do great. Have a great trip. I wish I was going with you guys :( Have fun...


8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she still nurses then feed her on the take off and the landing. if she doesn't still nurse the bottle or a paci will work also. Most of the time the people around you guys will keep her entertained. Oh and if you have a backback that she can ride in that is much easier than a stroller for. Snacks for the plane and a blanket to stretch out in for the airport are also handy.. Is Dan going with you? I have had the pleasure of flying by myself with cole quite a few times. Good luck,

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess!!
I'm so happy to hear that you're going to be here for Christmas!! I can't wait to see you and your little bundle of joy!! She looks so much like both of you. I just happen to be leaving for Florida on the 22nd of December, since I haven't spent a Christmas with my mom in two years. But I'll be returning home on the 28th. How long are you going to be here? I can't wait to see you girls!! Please make sure you get a hold of me before/when you get here. I want to be sure to see you either before I leave, or before you leave. I'm so happy!!! I miss you!!
I wish I had some advice for your plane ride, but I don't. The only thing I would suggest is finding something for the pressure and popping of the ears. Maybe check with her doctor.

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

You probably won't have much problem with her on the plane since she's still so young. I took Jacob by myself when he was around 6 mo old for Easter. As everyone else has said have a bottle and food and toys to entertain. It gets harder after they learn to walk. I used to use an umbrella stroller because it's easier to fold up and store on the plane and to push through a busy airport.

By the way, Ed and I are working on getting up there too for the holidays so we can show off Hannah. No one has seen her yet except for Ed's Mom. Hopefully we'll be able to find a flight once it gets closer.

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jessi,
What I always do is put the baby on my back when flying. Not only is my back tired after flying but my arms are also...flapping your arms from PHX all the way to Ohio is quite a task. "PA"

1:00 PM  

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