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Sunday, October 30, 2005


By the way, I just edited my settings so that all people leaving comments will have to enter a word verification. This should help eliminate all of the junk comments. Really annoying!!!

So keep responding, I like hearing from you!!!


Blogger Sarah said...

Was adding the word verification something that Blogger offers through their settings, or was it something special you just added on your own? I really need something like that -- I'm getting annoying spam messages like crazy, and it really makes me mad when it's on a serious post, such as the loss of 3yr old Maggie May (www.curemaggie.com).

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ok, so where are the Hallo "teeny" pics???? I can't wait to see them!


1:36 PM  
Blogger jessframpton said...


You can access the word verification option in your Blogger settings. Go to Settings>Comments and check Yes for Show Word verification. It's a shame they get us no matter what we do. I hope it helps you!

8:48 PM  

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