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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Busy Weekend

With Helena getting over her first cold, we decided to do some family outing this weekend. Dan got home from work early on Friday, and we went to lunch, bowled a game, went for a walk, and did a little Helena spoiling. We went to Borders and bought her a few books, The Great Pumpkin (Charlie Brown), The Gigantasauros Book of Colors, and a Sing-along book that came with a toy guitar. It is so cute! It plays songs like "The Wheels on the Bus" and "ABCs", but in the sound of a rockin' electric guitar. It even has a little whammy bar that wails. She loves it! After that we took a trip to Toys R Us and got her a See & Say and one of those little piano/xylophone dealies. She's already banging on those keys. I see an early music lover in our midst! I don't know how she could NOT want to play an instrument with all of the music lovers & players in our family. I look forward to teaching her about music as she grows.

Saturday we took her to have her pictures taken. She did such a good job smiling. On Monday, we are taking her to have her Halloween pictures taken. Just before Trick-or-Treating. I know she's not going to be able to eat any candy (Dan and I will handle that), but I can't wait to show her off in her costume. She looks so adorable! Will post pictures tomorrow!


Blogger Grandma V said...

Hey....stop buying her all this stuff!! What will Santa (and Grandmas) get for her for Christmas if you keep this up??
Love, Grandma V.

7:38 AM  

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