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Saturday, October 22, 2005

What Fun!

Today, Helena and I crawled around the whole house. We started in her bedroom and I was on the floor with her and she just started scooting away. I crawled in front of her and would turn to say, "Come on!" And she just thought it was the funnest thing!

It's amazing how much children can amuse you. When you're seeing them see and do everything for the first time, it's really a first for you too. She is the greatest thing in the world! I just watch her sometimes and my heart just overflows. I hug her and say, "I love you so much, girl!" And I just want to squeeze her little stuffin' out! (As my mom used to say.) There was such comfort and little things I remember from my childhood that I want to carry on over to her.

For instance, I randomly remembered the other day when talking to my mom, something we used to share. When she used to drop us off at my grandma's when I was young, I would stand at the front window and watch her drive away, but before she got out of the driveway she would always tell me "I love you" like this...

"I" (pointing to her eye), "Love" (crossing her heart), "You" (pointing to me). Then I would do the same and hold up two fingers for "too". It's a small thing, but gives me a sweet little connection to my past. And in remembering that I can bring myself back to 5 years old watching my mom from granny's window.


Blogger Grandma V said...

I am sitting here in puddles of tears. Thanks for the memories! I love you too!!
Grandma V.

3:52 AM  

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