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Thursday, January 06, 2005

Bad Dreams

I had those scattered dreams last night where at one point in your subconscious you are so emotional that it carries over into reality. And before you know it, you are waking yourself up sobbing. I had dreamt about a few deaths last night, which (needless to say) is what made me so upset. I will spare giving names as I don't want those who I dreamt about to have any worries!

I hate when I dream about things like that though. Some people have told me that when you dream about death, it really means birth. I'm not much for interpreting dreams, but I did a search in the dream dictionary on dreammoods.com, and here is what it said:


To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about him. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, it indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life.

I didn't really find that emotional connection from the sequence of events in my dreams last night. The fact that I dreamt about one person dying whom I am not close to at all and another whom I am very close to in the same night is odd though. I have only had two other dreams like that in my whole life (to my recollection). They leave you feeling rather depressed and out of sorts. Hope my dreams are better tonight.


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