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Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Welcome to Munchkinland!

We had another ultrasound yesterday. It seems to me that the baby just keeps growing and growing, but not to the doctor's liking. They will begin doing the scans every two weeks from this point on. It's exciting to get to actually witness the growth of the baby, but it's nerve-racking wondering if I will be able to work throughout the entire pregnancy. I really can't afford not to.

Due to my hectic schedule and the doctor's concerns with growth, my boss has graciously agreed to let me take on one work-at-home day a week. That way I can still get my 40 hours, but I will be able to work at least one from the comfort of my own home. Let's hope that I can continue to keep a full 40 hours.

Other than the baby's size (which is about 2.2 lbs - measuring 2 weeks behind), everything else seems fine. The fluid in the kidneys is gone and each ultrasound we get, they decrease our chances of Down's Syndrome a little more. The baby's profile looks great! Dan and I were even able to see the baby head-on and witness the eyes and mouth opening. The baby wasn't too active, but didn't look comfortable all smushed inside my belly. Legs all up by the head and everything!

I just have to rest a lot now. The doctor's says if I work 8 hours, I'd better be resting for 16! Looks like I need to rely on Dan and Myndee to take care of some of the housework then!!!

P.S. Also, found out that I'm anemic today. I swear if it's not one thing, it's another!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you re: anemic - but thank goodness we were both diagnosed, cause I was at my wits end re: my energy level!

I love reading about your progress - inspiration, you are!

Erin @ http://erin.erinandryan.ca

9:46 PM  
Blogger Grandma V said...

Hey Jessi,
Baby looks more beautiful every time I see her/him! I have been trying to post messages since right after Christmas, but my computer wouldn't let me. I'm glad it is finally working. Don't let the amenia get you down. It's pretty normal and seems to run in the family. Opt for iron supplements instead of the shots, if they let you. With the shots you won't be sitting down for a while. (OUCH!!) It was great having you all home for Thanksgiving! And I'm glad your Christmas was good. Everyone RAVED about your Strada!!! I miss you SO much. Glad we had some time to just relax and be together. I love you!

8:38 AM  

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