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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Taken Care Of

I've got the sweetest husband in the world (most of the time)! :)

Last night I could feel him laying behind me with his hand on my belly almost throughout the whole night. I could hear him say, "The baby's moving a lot!" He rubbed my arm, shoulder, and back to help me sleep. It was so nice, and I believe the best night's sleep I've had in weeks!

I woke up this morning and went to get my breakfast. Dan had set my purse up on the island and filled it with a bunch of healthy snacks for me to take to work. There was also a note inside telling me not to forget the lunch he had made for me too (along with some mushy love stuff he wrote). I opened the fridge and found 2 sandwiches, an apple, yogurt, some pineapple, and a Little Debbie cake. Even though he had to get up 2 hours before me, he stayed up later than me last night to pack me a lunch!

I'll definitely be able to stick to doctor's orders as far as food goes today. It's nice to be taken care of!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, I just felt like posting since I really haven't had time in the past few weeks. I am sooooo glad to hear that Dan is taking good care of you it helps alleviate some of the worry and stress. Also, the fact that you are taking notice of all the little things he does for you, it is important to recognize that, it will keep you close. I am so glad to see things are going better with the little one, I pray that it remains on that track. Stay positive and be good to each other. Love from Florida....Jenny, Fabi and the kids :-)

5:54 PM  

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