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Thursday, January 13, 2005

Getting on Track

I heard from my sister yesterday. There are no hard feelings from what I can tell between her, me, or Dan... it just wasn't the right timing for any of us. I think that she's happier where she is and glad that she can be with her boyfriend. Who knows? Maybe she'll try it again someday. She did apologize for the way she left though, which was what I was most upset about.

Anyway, back on track to the good things that are going on (meaning the baby). We have another ultrasound on the 18th. I have been doing my best to take care of myself and make sure that everything is progressing as it should be. That's all I can do, so I will let you know how it turns out.

I began playing my guitar again last weekend. With all of the moving and the baby stuff, I kept putting it off and haven't played in months. It feels really good to play again and actually do something for myself. I guess I should enjoy it now because those days of doing things for me are just about over!


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