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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Not Quite 100%

At least I made it into work today. The silver lining is I get to work from home tomorrow. Everything everyday has just been a horrible reminder of recent events. I am just so disappointed that things couldn't have been handled better. I know I need to let it all go, but it's hard. I was just so hopeful.

I have been getting over my negative feelings toward Dan. I know that he has a right to his feelings and has his own stresses, I just wish the situation was confronted differently. I have to get over all of this though, because I don't need additional stresses interfering with my marriage. After all, he is this baby's father and he has been taking extremely good care of me ever since this all happened, although I haven't really acknowledged it. He has apologized and also wishes that he could change things for me. I haven't completely forgiven and forgotten with both parties though.

This baby is my main focus, as it should be. I will continue to pray for strength and understanding and to remain calm throughout life's obstacles. I will do my best to rest when I'm tired and eat when I'm hungry and do all I can to ensure the health and survival of this life growing inside me. Everyone will just have to understand my selfishness for the next couple of months.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dearest Jess....what a few days you have had huh. I am so sorry things are up and down right now, but life often is. I must tell you from experience of living with family other than our husbands it is very difficult, as nice as we all can be we can get on each others nerves a lot and maybe say things that cause more problems. A couple tries harder to be more understanding with each other than maybe a sister and brother-in-law. Either way, whatever happened I am sure both parties would never jeopardize your health and would want you to be on the up and up, this whole situation will resolve itself in due time. I know you wanted to have your sister there for the baby's arrival, and who knows maybe she will turn back around, but if not....I am sure she will be there when the time is right. Give her a chance to cool down and gather herself and I am sure she will contact you as soon as she can. Lastly, don't take it all out on Dan, that is the easiest thing to do. I am not saying he is right or wrong, I am just saying it won't help the situation get resolved. They will be the ones who need to make ammends, not you. Ok, enough of that I don't want to put my nose where it doesn't belong, just want to encourage your health over worry as much as possible. Feel better....Love from Florida...Jenny

4:36 PM  

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